Purchase Books and Videos
Our instructors have made available a collection of books and videos to teach and inspire.

Multiple Exposures
for Maximum Landscapes
The video includes a one-hour presentation and half-hour of processing demonstrations, power-packed with field lessons and processing techniques for shooting and blending multiple exposures to create layer-masked images, HDR's, panoramas, focus-stacked images and more.
Click the link order the video: www.markbowie.com/instructional-video
Visit Mark at www.markbowie.com for more videos and books available.
The Thousand Islands
Through the Seasons
"The Thousand Islands - Through The Seasons is a fine art photography book showcasing the natural beauty of the Thousand Islands region throughout the year. The photographs within are not meant to be a literal document of outward appearances, but rather represent the inward significance of this most special and unique place as filtered through my eyes, mind, and heart."
Click below to purchase Chris' new book:
Photographed & produced by Joe LeFevre
Shot in 4K video
Approximately 45 minutes
Available on DVD and Blu-Ray
DVD - $19.95 + tax & S&H
Blu-Ray - $24.95 + tax & S&H
To purchase, contact Linda LeFevre at:
linda.lefevrephoto@gmail.com or (315) 806-6554